New loans to fund. We always send an e-mail whenever there is a new loan. It contains information on each loan, so lenders can easily decide whether to allocate funds or not. If a loan amount is fully funded through the Planned Funding feature, we wouldn’t send an email about that particular loan.
Funding Confirmation. Once you have financed a loan, we will send a confirmation e-mail that contains Loan ID/Code, Loan Amount, Amount of Your Funding, Loan Tenor, and Loan Interest. We will e-mail a funding confirmation every time you have successfully financed a loan, whether you have done so manually or through our Planned Funding feature. So even if you have activated Planned Funding, you would continue to be aware of the funds you have allocated.
Loan Restructuring Information. If a borrower experiences loan repayment difficulty because of a decline in sales, then he/she will apply for a tenor extension – which, of course, we will analyze and process before approving.
Notification of Loan Tenor or Loan Interest Changes. If there are circumstances where information is not yet suitable, we will repeat the loan funding process.
Notification of Cancelled Funding. Sometimes, a borrower would cancel loan funding if there are obstacles in fund disbursement. In such cases, we would interest lender funds and inform lenders via e-mail.
New Feature Notification. Of course, we continuously update the features on Modalku’s website and application. Should there be any updates, we will notify you and explain the changes through e-mail.
Information on New Promotional Campaigns. If Modalku is running attractive programs for lenders, such as cashback campaigns, we would notify you through an e-mail.
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