The terms and numbers you see on your portfolio can often be difficult to understand or misinterpreted. Here, we break them down for you in simpler terms:
Total Deposits: The total amount of deposits made that have been allocated to your Investor account
Total Withdrawals: The total amount of withdrawals that have been requested, including pending requests
Total Lended: Your total cumulative Investment amount which includes the re-investments from your repayments
Annualised Portfolio Performance: Weighted average annualised returns based on all the loans that you have Invested in, less the proportion of your defaulted Principal.
Interest Received: Total Interest, Late Interest, Early repayments received on all Invested loans
Bonus received: Cash-backs and promotional offers
Expenses: Service fees + Withholding taxes
Service fees: The fees that Funding Societies charges Investors on their Interest earned from successful repayments - currently at 18%
Withholding taxes: Tax withheld for any non-Singapore tax resident on interest earned
Net income: Investment returns + Bonus received - Expenses
Number of loans invested: The total number of loans on your Portfolio that you have invested in, not including ongoing Crowdfunds
Loans Ongoing: The number of loans on your Portfolio that have not been completed and defaulted
Expected returns: The total amount of Interest expected to be received, from the total invested amount
Annualised portfolio performance (p.a): Weighted average annualised returns based on all the loans that you have Invested in, less the proportion of your defaulted Principal
Repayments received this month: The total principal, interest, and early repayments, received till date in the current calendar month
Expected repayments this month: The total principal and interest expected to be received in the current calendar month
Outstanding principal (exposure): Principal that is still held in ongoing loans that have not been fully repaid
Principal defaulted: The total amount of your Invested principal on loans that have defaulted